Monday, April 23, 2012

worship in the storm Matthew 14:25

The first time I really truly recall worshiping God was when I was seeking Him and the truth and He starting revealing Himself to me in different ways. I would just try to listen and be real still because I realized He was real and changing my life day by day. The first time I recall what I would describe as worshiping in the spirit was when God took me to a place that only He could do. For the most part up till that time it seemed like I had a fairly decent plan for myself and my family. I was in a place where I felt really close and peaceful with the Lord a place of deep rest. Then slowly we started losing our business we had for 25 years and all our investments were going south. He also started restoring our marriage and started opening up this new journey or road we are on now which brought me to a more deep relationship with the Lord which again was done by Him. There are a lot of things that happened in this time, the best way to describe it in a short way would be to say that He led us into a big storm where we didn’t have control and major changes took place. I like Matthew 14:22-33 to help explain what happened. Jesus led the disciples into a huge storm where they seen Jesus walking on the water. Peter asked to walk to Him on water and he stepped out in faith took his eyes off Jesus and failed. This is a great teaching for us to stay focused on Jesus and yes everyone has failed. But I like the next three verses, 31-33 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped.  Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed.” Peter and the disciples would do great things in Jesus name in the times to come but what I like here is when Peter came to a place where he cried out for Jesus to save him and the others saw Jesus was the Son of God and they worshiped Him. Sometimes Jesus’ mighty power is seen and people’s lives are changed when a person is taken to a place where all they can do is humble themselves and cry out to the Lord. When we were led to this storm I was in a place where all I could do was ask Jesus for help day after day. That’s where we changed, we saw Jesus work in our lives in a deeper way and we worshiped Him in a more thankful deeper way.

The part you just read was written four weeks ago and this bottom part on Thursday the 19th.

There is something very interesting that happened back at this time in 2007 that the Lord has tied into this scripture and writing this. When I was going through this time in 2007 it was a place where there were many changes from the Lord in our lives but also a place of very little activity. So I was in a place where I needed the Lord deeply and spent a lot of time with Him. During this time there was a happening that took place that is hard to explain exactly and I have not told many about it. For one thing I don’t understand it completely and can’t explain it fully, but regardless it happened and it ties into writing this. When God begin this work in us at the time I went through a two month period where I woke up exactly a 3 a.m. every morning. This is not some weird teaching, a cult thing or some demonic thing. When this first started happening I didn’t know what to think, and when I woke up I was in a state of readiness spiritually and didn’t go back to sleep. As this went on night after night I would pray a lot which some of the prayers were groaning like in Romans 8:26. I would read and study a lot but mostly a time of prayer for our marriage and mess we were in and listening to God. To wake up every night at exactly the same time 3 a.m. for two months straight I don’t think is a common and every day happening. Even though this was a storm, struggle and a weird challenging time God also did amazing things in our lives.  There was freedom, restoration, healing physically and spiritually, our marriage was restored, and we walked away from this time with a deeper relationship with the Lord. When it ended it was over and I quit waking up at that time. If I did wake up after that time I was very tired and fell back asleep like normal.

So what does writing this have to do with this strange happening back in 2007? I wrote the top portion of this four weeks ago. I was going to post it and went to hit the button but didn’t. I don’t know why something just didn’t feel right and it sat shrunk down at the bottom of my computer. About a week ago Tuesday the 17th someone ask me about something that happened about this time in 2007. After I decided to re-read an article that I read in 2007 when this happened. In the article this scripture that I wrote about earlier mentioned Matthew 14:22-33 in verse 25 it says 3am or fourth watch or 3am to 6am depending on translation. 14:25 “And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea.” I have read this scripture a lot of times but I have never notices verse 25 about 3 a.m. or fourth watch.
I believe the reason that I didn’t post this four weeks ago is God wanted to show me not only did I use this scripture for what happened back then. But also how verse 25 and the fourth watch related to me waking up at 3 a.m. before I posted this. I also believe why this happened is for me to share this experience with a brother that is going through a similar situation. Even though I don’t fully understand this completely I’m very thankful for what happened then and how God worked in the process of writing this. He continues to teach me in His time and move in my life in ways that I know is from Him and I’m very thankful for.
I truly believe I was called at that time to pray during the fourth watch for many reasons only God knows all of them. I called out to God for help and he helped us and that’s when I really first remember worshiping in the Spirit which I can’t fully explain.

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