Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why 1 Red Heifer

I want to start off the blog by telling why I decided to do a blog. About two years ago, I started posting scriptures and writing short devotionals on Facebook. I’m not a great writer or have any special degrees. I’m about as raw and green as you can get.  But they really helped me grow in my walk with the Lord and learn. So right off you’re going to see some bad spelling and all that, but that’s okay. When people first started telling me to do a blog I just laughed. This went on for a while, but over the last 6 months people just continue to encourage me, so I thought why not?  (I know of all people, right, just joking.)  So that’s what sparked me to act upon it, but why 1 Red Heifer?  I knew I had to pick a name and I wanted it to be a name that is different and would show the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit working through the church, the people that is. So one morning, as I was reading my daily reading, this scripture really popped out at me, Numbers 19:2  "Here is another legal requirement commanded by the LORD: Tell the people of Israel to bring you a red heifer, a perfect animal that has no defects and has never been yoked to a plow. And I put a string of scriptures together sitting in a parking lot real quick. They just ran through my mind. So here is what was being spoken to me. We know the Red Heifer was a type of sacrifice commanded by the Lord for his chosen people’s sins.  It was a type of sacrifice in comparison to Christ.  I think it explains this well in Hebrews chapters 9 & 10, 10:11-12 “Under the old covenant, the priest stands and ministers before the altar day after day, offering the same sacrifices again and again, which can never take away sins. But our High Priest (Christ) offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for all sins, good for all time. Then he sat down in the place of honor at God's right hand.” It says in the word the Red Heifer was a perfect animal with no defects. It says there was no other hair color of any kind, not even one, all red. So it had to be a perfect animal like JESUS, He was a perfect man without sin. I’m not going to go on about all the deeper meanings in the commentaries. But here is the main reason this Red Heifer hit me so hard. The Lord has been showing me some truths I’ve been wrestling with as of late. You can’t ignore the truth, the Holy Spirit is truth and will allow you to see it and you must decide what you are going to do with it. I have some important decision’s to make coming up. I’m at peace but I know I still have to make them. The last part of this verse says and has never been yoked to a plow. This is the part that hit me.  We know JESUS was never yoked to the world or sin and his desires had to be controlled by the Holy Spirit to not ever sin, not even his thoughts.  He was fully obedient and in sync with the Father. I know He was also obedient to his parents. But I don’t believe Jesus was yoked or enslaved to a system or man made structure. He was free from all these things, so the Holy Spirit can be free to work through him John 3:34 “For he is sent by God. He speaks God's words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit.”  I think John the Baptist was a good example for us, he was set aside by the Lord and was not yoked to politics or a religious system. When we accept Christ as our savior and receive the Holy Spirit we are His Son’s and have eternal life.  We are also set aside for his use and purpose. Don’t get me wrong I have made mistakes and have been blessed to see God work in them. I know Satan is a tricky beast, I don’t think its just about being a good person.  I think Satan would love to get a believer, bearing fruit for the Lord, enslaved in the world, sin, a religious system or man made structure to quench a movement of the Holy Spirit anyway he can.  I think the point I’m trying to make is not to be yoked to anything that would hinder the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.  The main thing. looking back, is how the Lord has worked in my life has not been me being perfect. It was JESUS, my fear and love for him. Making sure my heart is in the right place. My heart must be thankful humble, contrite, sincere, soft, and teachable. Like a pastor told me once it’s not the system that’s the problem, more important it’s a person’s heart. This is hard for every believer but doable with JESUS and encouragement, love and accountability from others. There will be a lot of failures but that’s why he made the body of Christ to help support each other. We will be talking about this later. 


  1. Looking forward to these! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great job Barry. Thanks for your thoughts and words of encouragement.
